November 14th | 3:00 – 5:00pm (CET), Milano Digital Week – Online
Exploring the Potentials of Tech Apps to Enhance Women’s Mobility
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For the fifth edition of Milano Digital Week, Transform Transport teamed up with TeMA lab of Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Sex and the City APS, and Walk21 Foundation for a webinar on November 14 from 3-5 pm CET about the role of technology and digital infrastructures in enabling safe urban experiences for women, in line with this year’s theme Lo sviluppo dei limiti – Progetti e visioni per una città e un pianeta condivisi (“The Development of Limits – Projects and Visions for a Shared City and Planet”).
As experts in the field with a deep knowledge of the Milanese and Italian context, the speakers coming from academic to practical backgrounds will explore the potential and limits of ICT tools and user-based technology applications in promoting urban safety. They will also touch on the capacity of these tools to instigate corrective policy action and drive positive change in urban environments.
Andrea Gorrini, Head of Research
Fondazione Transform Transport ETS (Italy)
Dr. Andrea Gorrini is an environmental psychologist with over 10 years experience in the empirical investigation of pedestrian mobility, walkability, and crowd dynamics. His research work is aimed at supporting the design of architectural solutions for enhancing the comfort and safety of people navigating both outdoor urban scenarios and indoor facilities. He is particularly skilled in the design and execution of large data gathering campaigns, and he is expert in using different software for data analysis and statistics. Since 2019 he has collaborated with Systematica for the Horizon 2020 DIAMOND Project, and he currently acts as Head of Research at Transform Transport.
Lamia Abdelfattah, Researcher
Fondazione Transform Transport ETS (Italy)
Lamia Abdelfattah is an urban planner and researcher working with Systematica and Transform Transport in the areas of mobility research and planning. She has a background in collaborative urban development and expertise in issues of spatial equity in cities with a particular focus on gender equality. Since joining the team in 2019, she has been involved in diverse projects and publications aimed at delivering sustainable, innovative and equitable tools in the field of urban mobility.
Florencia Andreola, Co-Founder
Sex & the City APS (Italy)
Florencia Andreola is an independent researcher with a Ph.D. in History of Architecture (University of Bologna). She is interested in sociology, politics, and the various disciplines that hybridize research on architecture and the city. She is co-founder of the association Sex & the City research project, which investigates the city from a gender perspective. She is the co-author, with Azzurra Muzzonigro, of “Milan Gender Atlas” / Milano Atlante di genere (LetteraVentidue, 2021). She curated Disagiotopia. Malessere, precarietà ed esclusione nell’era del tardo capitalismo (DEditore, 2020) and co-curated Milano. L’architettura dal 1945 a oggi (Hoepli, 2018), Backstage. L’architettura come lavoro concreto (Franco Angeli, 2016), and Guida all’architettura di Milano 1945-2015 (Hoepli, 2015).
Azzurra Muzzonigro, Co-Founder
Sex & the City APS (Italy)
Azzurra Muzzonigro is an architect, curator, and independent urban researcher with a Ph.D. in Urban Studies at the Roma Tre University. She teaches Urban Design in various universities, including Politecnico di Milano and Domus Academy. She holds a Masters in Building and Urban Design in Development from Bartlett UCL. She is co-founder of the association Sex & the City research project, which investigates the city from a gender perspective. In June 2015, she founded Waiting Posthuman Studio, a multidisciplinary research platform about art, architecture, urban planning and philosophy. She is the co-author of “Milan Gender Atlas” / Milano Atlante di genere (LetteraVentidue, 2021) with Florencia Andreola and Costruire Futuri, and Migrazioni, Città, Immaginazioni (Bompiani, 2018) with Leonardo Caffo.
Gerardo Carpentieri, Research Fellow
TeMA Lab, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy)
Gerardo Carpentieri is an engineer with a Ph.D. in Civil Systems Engineering at University of Naples Federico II. He teaches Land Use Planning at the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II.
Carmen Guida, Postdoctoral Researcher
TeMA Lab, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy)
Carmen Guida is an engineer with a Ph.D. in Civil Systems Engineering at University of Naples Federico II and a Research Fellow of Land Use Planning at the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II.
Jim Walker, Founder
Walk21 Foundation (UK)
For more than 20 years, Jim Walker has been a champion of research, policies and projects that enable people to enjoy walking in safe, attractive and accessible environments wherever they live. His focus is increasingly on supporting the needs of women, children, the elderly, people with disabilities and those with low incomes – especially in low and middle income countries – who rely on walking as their essential mobility.