Planning and design of the system of public spaces
The design of public spaces, considering the upcoming changes in contemporary mobility, opens up for new mobility paradigms that reveal the mechanisms of our cities mainly through two fundamental issues: the increasingly predominant role of pedestrians and the central role of the street as primary asset of the public realm.
Arch. Paolo Mazzoleni, Presidente Ordine degli Architetti PPC della Provincia di Milano
Arch. Giovanni Massimo Bottini, Presidente di Systematica S.r.l.
“Resilience of infrastructure: opportunity and safety”
Dott. Pietro Pellizzaro, Directore of “Città Resilienti – Comune di Milano”
“Towards a walking world”
Arch. Stefano Recalcati, Arup Italia
“Street and public space: key infrastructure for the mobility of tomorrow”
Ing. Diego Deponte, Systematica
“Livable places for a sharing society”
Arch. Valeria Pagliaro, LAND