Investigations and explorations on major mobility changes in urban mobility
We are witnessing the rise of driverless vehicles as result of a fast-paced technological revolution within the automobile sector. This revelation is not happening in isolation and other, like the “Mobility Sharing / Ride Hailing” model or the transition towards electric vehicles are opening new sustainable models for urban mobility. This transformation, apparently technological, will have direct and indirect impacts on the way we plan our cities for both transport planners, at every scale, and designers.
Moderator: Arch. Giovanni Massimo Bottini, Presidente di Systematica S.r.l.
“Local Motors : autonomous drive for a new urban mobility”
Ing. Carlo Iacovini, Clickutility on Earth
“Transiting towards uncertain mobility futures”
Ing. Xavier Blanc Baudriller, Granstudio
“Charging infrastructure for electric vehicles: current and future scenarios”
Dott. Diego Trabucchi, Fimer
“CAV and transport planning: developments and applications”
Ing. Alessandro Vacca, Systematica
“Who will steer the authonomous drive?”
Ing. Claudia Ponti, Systematica