July 20th | Theme: Travel Demand Modeling
Evolution of travel demand forecasting, new paradigms and technologies
Curator: Alessandro Vacca, Systematica
Moderator: Jonelle Hanson, Systematica
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Transport modelling has always played a decisive role in supporting the decision-making process, providing evidence-based analysis and a robust technical response to planning transportation infrastructure. This recently gained importance as cities and mobility requirements evolved rapidly and the increase of new technologies trigger a shift in transportation modes and cater for people’s changing behaviors and needs. In this session, we question how can transport modelling respond to the rapid changes our cities are going through and how can we take full advantage of the evolving data collection technologies and constantly update and revisit the modelling approaches and techniques? This talk is dedicated to provide some insights on how travel demand modelling is evolving and what modellers, practitioners and researchers will be asked to answer to in the coming years for making the process faster, more effective and more dynamic.

Vince Bernardin, PhD, Vice President, Travel Demand Analytics

Dr. Vince Bernardin is a Vice President of Caliper Corporation based in Indiana. Vince has project experience in twenty-seven states and three continents developing and applying statewide, urban, and corridor-level travel forecasting models for both plan development and major project studies. He has managed and contributed to the development of more statewide models than anyone else. He is best known for his pioneering work with big data and for his development of innovative modeling approaches. Dr. Bernardin has been at the forefront of data-driven travel modeling and forecasting using big data for a decade. He was the first to use big data for statewide modeling (2010) and activity-based modeling (2016). He has worked with nearly every major source of big data in transportation, including both aggregate data products (StreetLight, AirSage, HERE) and raw disaggregate (ATRI, Safegraph, Veraset, Cuebiq, INRIX) big data. He is an active member of TRB, currently serving as Chair of the Urban Big Data Subcommittee and previously serving as Chair of the TRB Planning Applications Conference as well as a member of several standing committees. Vince holds a BA in Philosophy from the University of Notre Dame, and an MS and Ph.D.in Transportation Engineering from Northwestern University.
Leta Huntsinger, PhD, PE, Director of Research, Systems Planning and Analysis
Institute for Transportation Research and Education (ITRE)

Dr. Leta Huntsinger is a 30-year transportation professional with extensive experience in travel modeling, transportation planning, and project management including experience in the public sector, private sector, and academia. She is a core leader within ITRE with responsibilities spanning research, technical services, and training. She is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department for Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering at NC State, and a Professor of Practice in the Department of City and Regional Planning at UNC-Chapel Hill where she engages in her passion for teaching and mentoring. In her time away from work, Leta enjoys running, hiking, biking, and kayaking.
Luis Willumsen, PhD, Managing Partner
Nommon Solutions and Technologies

Dr. Luis Willumsen has over 35 years of experience as a consultant, transport modeller and planner. He is co-author of “Modelling Transport” a book published by Wiley and now in its fourth edition. He has also published “Better Traffic and Revenue Forecasting”, dealing with the critical task of delivering demand and revenue projections for transport concessions. He was a researcher and lecturer at Leeds University and University College London. He was a Board Director of Steer Davies Gleave for 20 years leaving in 2009 to develop his own consultancy: Willumsen Advisory Services. He is also a Managing Partner of Nommon Solutions and Technologies, a company specialised in the use of smartcard and mobile phone data to deliver trip matrices and useful transport insights. Through both companies he has focussed his work on the future impact of new mobility, Agent Based models and how best to deal with deep uncertainty and risk. He is also Visiting Professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering at University College London.
Eduardo Espitia, Transportation Consultant

Eduardo Espitia is a transport engineer working with Systematica since 2018. He has been involved in multimodal transport modelling, policy assessment, and demand forecasting at different scales, from masterplans to Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans and National Transport Models.