Fabrizio Prati is an urban designer with 10 years of international experience in safe and sustainable urban design, mobility, street and public spaces design. He joined NACTO in 2015 and ...
With a strong background in design (Politecnico di Torino) and innovation management (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna), Andrea Galli is the Director of Strategy and Development at Accurat and teaches Computational Design ...
Almost 70 years after Jane Jacobs’ arguments for smaller, mixed-use, connected neighbourhoods were published, the world is beginning to fully grasp the importance of neighbourhood-scale urban planning and actively supported ...
Tiffanie Yamashita is an urban systems engineer and collaborate with Systematica from 8 consecutive years. She started as an intern for her final-year program at the Université Technologique de Compiègne, ...
Abstract The research is based on an extended spatial analysis executed through the application of GIS and Space Syntax, aiming at assessing the level of walkability for children in the ...
Within the research activities of Transform Transport on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on urban mobility (see the recently published booklet ‘Shifting Paradigm’), this study is focused on the ...
This summer we’re hosting a series of webinars, called Sys Talks, to engage with other professionals on topics like big data, placemaking, and transportation forecasting. Sign up to learn, and ...
Transport modelling has always played a decisive role in supporting the decision-making process, providing evidence-based analysis and a robust technical response to planning transportation infrastructure. This recently gained importance as ...
July 20th | Theme: Travel Demand Modeling Evolution of travel demand forecasting, new paradigms and technologies Curator: Alessandro Vacca, Systematica Moderator: Jonelle Hanson, Systematica Register in advance for this meeting. ...
Despite recent efforts towards sustainable mobility in urban scenarios, the measures currently in place to design and manage public transport service and infrastructure do not sufficiently consider the needs of ...
July 13th | Theme: User Centered Design in Transport Planning Inclusive mobility and public space Curator: Andrea Gorrini, Systematica Moderator: Jonelle Hanson, Systematica Register in advance for this webinar. After ...
On May 13th, 2021 Systematica joined a roundtable discussion at the 6th Biennale dello Spazio Pubblico – BISP 2021, the biannual event dedicated to research, activities and practices devoted to ...
For planners, big data can be characterized as a steady stream of information that has grown to encapsulate the profession’s foundational skill set. Data has enriched the decision-making process with ...
July 7th | Theme: Big Data The data shall not be standardized. Allowing the customer to deliver the data design insights. Curator: Jonelle Hanson, Systematica Moderator: Jonelle Hanson, Systematica Register ...
Abstract The spread of e-scooters in urban regions as a form of shared micro-mobility or last-mile mobility has been impressive in the last few years. As an example, between December ...
Within the research activities of the H2020 DIAMOND project, the Use Case ‘Vehicle (Bike) Sharing Fleet Management’ is focused on the investigation of women’s needs and expectations as users of ...
Within the objectives of the H2020 DIAMOND project, the Use Case ‘Public Transport Infrastructures – Railway’ is focused on the investigation of women’s needs as users of metro and urban ...
This book is an open exploration in mobility trends with a focus on five flourishing and forward-looking cities in the United States. The choice of these five cities is based ...
Evidence of a ‘multi-modal generation’ Across the Western world and particularly in the United States, talk of a rise of a ‘multi-modal generation’ is common. Shifts in behavior are commonly ...
What cross-cutting trip data from five cities in the U.S. tells us about the overarching tendencies of moving within a zone versus traveling between zones across the city From the ...
What cross-cutting trip data from five cities in the U.S. tells us about the overarching tendencies to move across the week in different areas within the city The movement density ...
In this book we take a look at the electric mobility uprising and how it is poised to change the cities we live in and plan for. Electrifying transport is ...
Paketposthalle, Munich The project consists of the renovation of the Paketposthalle, the historical post office in Munich West, and the development of an urban, inner-city district with a mix of ...
What cross-cutting trip data from five cities in the U.S. tells us about the overarching tendencies of movement concentrations in different areas within the city and some factors that drives ...