Think of an airport and the images that come to mind are planes, polished glass facades, giant chocolate boxes at duty free shops, queues to pass at security control, high-end ...
Vehicle speed is the element that has the major impact on the road character and the way it is used. Lower speeds encourage an urban type of development while increasing ...
EXPO 2015 was a universal exposition hosted by the City of Milan with the theme, “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”. The EXPO spanned six months from May to October ...
Arthur is known best for his design process, which begins with a story. Drawing on themes and motifs to inform his designs, Arthur’s approach is rooted in the contextual meaning ...
The introduction of greenery and vegetation requires great coordination among all consultants and designers throughout the different project phases. Vegetation is one of the few elements that is able to ...
E11 is the longest road in the UAE: it connects the entire country crossing six of the seven Emirates, from the Western border with Saudi Arabia to the Northern one ...
Iyad Alsaka joined OMA as a director in 2007 and became partner in 2011. Responsible for OMA’s work in the Middle East and Africa, Iyad has led projects including the ...
Pedestrian Level Of Service (PLOS) is being increasingly used to assess safety and comfort levels across entire cities, providing effective indications on priority of interventions. With the increase of car-dependence, ...
Planning and design of the system of public spaces The design of public spaces, considering the upcoming changes in contemporary mobility, opens up for new mobility paradigms that reveal the ...
Block sizes, junctions spacing and the density of intersections have the greatest impact on the public realm and the pedestrian behavior. Al Wasl Road is a great reference to see ...
Investigations and explorations on major mobility changes in urban mobility We are witnessing the rise of driverless vehicles as result of a fast-paced technological revolution within the automobile sector. This ...
Corse Buenos Aires is the longest retail street in Milan and Europe. This book contains a detailed analysis of its current status and it tackles the benefits of its reconfiguration. ...
Explorations on how to better live retail. The Retail is a component more and more integrated in the local context with repercussions on the global economic system. The recent technological ...
Since the late 1970s, network theories are used to study, understand and plan cities. Very few urban theories succeed in describing our cities in such robust and convincing manner like ...
There are two types of bus stops in Dubai: the majority is the standard pole, with simple bus line information and time schedule and a growing number of air-conditioned stops, ...
The use of Big Data within mobility analytical and planning processes The technological and digital innovation applied to Smart Mobility ed Intelligent Infrastructure models is promoting a more effective management ...
Several streets are surveyed in depth to identify the recurring dimensions and proportions that characterize Dubai streets. The way a street is used is strongly related to allocation of space ...
Systematica, for its event “Autonomous cars and the bumpy road ahead!” during the Milan Design Week, will be opening its doors to the general public from the 4th to the ...
On the 21st of March 2017, Systematica was delighted to host an evening event in the occasion of the release of its new publication “Transform Transport”. Guests had the chance ...
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